How Good is Your Logo?

1024 352 True Creative

Logos are the faces of our companies; they transcend words to describe what sort of service or product we provide. A logo can also give clients or customers a sense of the personality of a…

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In Pursuit of Simplicity …and What I’m Reading

1024 352 True Creative

Good designers know that less really is more; more succinct, more understandable, more elegant. When we pare away what is frivolous or only marginally important, we get to the beautiful core of an idea. Einstein…

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Understanding Composition in Social Media Graphics

1024 352 True Creative

If you have a company or a brand that has a social media presence, chances are you’re going to need to create a graphic to accompany a post now and again. Making those graphics can…

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How to Maintain Visual Balance in Your Website

1024 352 True Creative

  You spent the money to have a professional design a new website for you, and it looked great when it launched. But some time has passed, and the site doesn’t seem so clean and…

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